
A message from the PEA Vice-President

Hello PEA, 

Andrea Turner expressed in her letter to all City employees today, “Directors are working closely with the office of human resources and the Mayors office to reassign employees to perform needed City services for our residents.” We think this provides an opportunity for our out of work members. 

At this point we don’t have any details, we don’t know how many opportunities might be available, but best case scenario, PEA members who are willing to do tasks outside of their typical job duties would have the opportunity to continue working and preserve their leave balances.
We would like to create a list of members that we can present to labor relations early next week. If you are interested please contact your steward and provide them your contact information.

Stewards: Please communicate this with your members and keep track of who is willing to work in other areas. We will be contacting you for this information. 

Thank you,

Justine Roe
PEA Vice President 


Update to City Members from Regina Etoll, PEA President

To City PEA Members:

PEA is striving to get you accurate, timely information so as to provide a bit of certainty in these very uncertain circumstances.  There remain a lot of details and unanswered questions, but from today’s conference call between City Management and approximately 25 unions here is what we’ve learned.

The City leaders are mindful of what steps the Governor’s administration has taken and they’ve also followed a timeline and approach that Ramsey County has invoked. Nevertheless, the City is dramatically different in that the workforce payroll takes up a very significant portion of the City’s available budget, unlike the State.

But Deputy Mayor Jaime Tincher repeated the City leaders’ desire to keep as much of our workforce working as possible. They also want to partner with the unions and their members in a collaborative approach to face these challenges ahead.

Over the next month we can expect matters affecting your earnings to follow this:

  • Starting March 18th (yesterday) up to March 28th, which ends this payroll period, employees who are unable to work can use any accrued leave for compensation.  This would include comp time, sick time and vacation time. Perhaps in that order is best, but every employee’s situation may differ.
  • If during this time frame you are without any accrued leave, the employee is allowed to use up to 80 hours of Earned Safe & Sick Time (ESST).  If that is unavailable, employees can go “in the negative” against future ESST accrual.
  • On March 28th the City will make available 80 hours of Emergency Paid Pandemic Leave for that payroll period (2 weeks). Prorated for part-timers.
  • On April 4th, City officials will make layoff decisions and notices will be sent according to the needs and capabilities of the City.
  • On April 11th, the Paid Pandemic Leave amounts will be exhausted, but employees with accrued leave remaining may use that.  
  • On April 18th, if the layoff decisions are still necessary, they will take effect.

Social distancing will remain a constant in anything and everything our members are asked to do.  Flexibility and cooperation are paramount over the next month. The City is looking at reassignments, partnering with the St. Paul schools to meet their demands and other creative approaches to keep operations moving – safely.

The City leadership and Human Resources is concerned about the flood of questions expected.  Please consider contacting your PEA steward or PEA leadership with your questions. We will try to get unified answers that can be shared broadly.

Regina Etoll

PEA President


PEA general membership meeting canceled

Due to the recent news and health concerns surrounding COVID-19 PEA is canceling the April 8th General Membership Meeting.  There will be conversation and future communication about rescheduling in the coming months.

Additionally, PEA has reached out to the proper people and has asked for clarification/guidance on procedures should departments, events, etc. be shut down or if folks need to stay home, get sent home, etc. We are hopeful that the powers that be will send something out with this information to all employees; however, PEA will keep you all updated on what information we receive.

Thank you and stay well,

Regina Etoll

PEA President


Professional View for January – March 2020 is Now Available

Download the latest edition of Professional View, the PEA Newsletter.
In this issue, find :

  • Information on our new health benefits and 121 Benefits
  • Updates from the City and School Negotiations Chairs
  • Minutes of the Fall 2019 meeting
  • An invitation for everyone to attend the biannual meeting and dinner at Joseph’s Grill on April 8

4th Quarter 2019 Newsletter is Now Available

The October – December 2019 issue of Professional View, the PEA quarterly newsletter, is now available.

Contents include: The Corner by Mike Wilde, FAQ about PEA, SPPS contract negotiations update, 2020 calendar of events, and the latest contact information for stewards and executive committee members.


General Membership Meeting is October 3

The PEA General Membership meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2019, at Mancini’s.

Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Find the agenda on page 3 of the July – September 2019 newsletter.

RSVP by September 27.

More information…


July – September 2019 Newsletter

The July – September 2019 issue of the Professional View newsletter has been posted.

Highlights of this issue include:

  • “Verify Your Records” — tips on checking your compensation records for discrepancies
  • Nomination and Election notice for elections to be held at the October 3 General Membership Meeting.
  • Membership Meeting RSVP information.
  • Minutes from the April 4, 2019, General Membership meeting.
  • Wellness Program Reminder for City Employees

2019 Nomination and Election Notice

Nominations and elections for the seven executive committee positions in our PEA union will be held in October during our PEA general membership meeting.

Please review this document (PDF) for more information.


Stewards List Updated

The list of PEA Stewards has been updated to reflect current personnel as of June 5, 2019.

Find out how to get in touch with the steward for your office or department.


April – June 2019 Newsletter

The April – June 2019 issue of Professional View has been posted.

Contents include:

The Corner by Mike Wilde: Check Your Check

Member Feedback: “What Good Does My Union Do?”

City Negotiations Update by Joe Musolf: Negotiations begin Fall 2020

July 10 Stewards & Executive Committee Meeting and Dinner information