
Important Update for Members in Parks and Libraries

This was sent out via email from Catherine Penkert, Director of Libraries:

Hi all,
Please see the below update that applies to all employees affected by the facility closures:

“The City of Saint Paul understands that there were specific employees in the Department of Parks & Recreation and the Saint Paul Public Library that were sent home due to facility closures based on the risk of COVID-19 on March 18th, 2020. 

It is the decision of the City that for those employees that were working or scheduled to work on the day that facilities were closed, they will receive their normal full pay. For the remaining scheduled days that employees of Parks and Libraries were unable to work while their facilities were closed during Pay Period 8, employees will be paid for their scheduled shifts. 

This decision is applicable only to Parks and Libraries staff who were affected by facility closures during the period of March 18th through March 24th, 2020. This sets no precedent for any possible future facility closures.”